Everything Electric, London Excel – showcasing smart hot water this Easter
The Mixergy team had a brilliant time exhibiting at Everything Electric Show at London Excel this bank holiday weekend. It was great to see so many smart home enthusiasts coming to check out the latest innovations in greener technology!
What is the Everything Electric show?
Billed as ‘The world’s number one home energy and electric vehicle show,’ Everything Electric was founded and is hosted by Robert Llewellyn (famous as Kryten in Red Dwarf, and also for Scrapheap Challenge and Carpool). The annual event showcases electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes and lots of home energy and cleaner energy solutions.
We took this opportunity to display our Mixergy X cylinders and integrated heat pump cylinders; the Mixergy iHP X. Our knowledgeable team spoke to homeowners keen to retrofit their home and go gas free.

Why Mixergy smart hot water cylinders?
The team talked through our variety of smart hot water solutions. Whether you’re thinking of retrofitting in future or working on your project now, Mixergy can save you energy and money.
Mixergy X cylinders can be used with various energy sources, including a gas or oil boiler,
electric, solar PV, solar thermal, or a heat pump. They save with these at any time in the cylinder’s lifetime, making it futureproof for the energy transition. By only heating what you need, you can save up to 40% on hot water bills. You can schedule when your cylinder heats up, and integrate with smart tariffs, and it will also ‘learn’ when you need hot water. Clever, right?
The Mixergy iHP X is the fastest integrated heat pump cylinder on the market for your hot water needs, with a cylinder with an integrated heat pump for heating the water. This means It delivers usable hot water 10x faster than other conventional products and it’s 3x more energy efficient than a standard electric water cylinder.
It is unique from other integrated heat pump cylinders on the market because the heat pump and cylinder are modular, making it easier to manoeuvre and maintain. Instead of taking hours to heat a full cylinder of water, it uses Mixergy’s unique ‘top-down’ technology to heat only the water needed. It’s the perfect choice if you want to save energy and be more sustainable.

Presenting at the #EverythingElectic show
Throughout the three-day convention, the Mixergy team worked hard to bring an exciting and informative stand, showcasing the best of our hot water cylinders and smart energy solutions. We were kept extremely busy, chatting to attendees interested in technological advancements in more sustainable approaches to energy usage, and those in the industry presenting too.
Ask the experts: the heating panel
On Friday, our very own CEO Pete Armstrong took to the stage to take part in the ‘Ask the Experts: Home Heating – all options explored and explained’ panel. He was joined by David Leviseur (Founder of Fornax Energy) and Chris Allan (Service and Technical Director at Electric Heating Company).
Together the trio explored how we can electrify our heating needs. As more of us look to electrify as a greener solution, evidently hot water storage will grow in demand and use. Pete spoke about the need for hot water storage to be smart and futureproof for the energy transition so that it can be both durable and scalable. He commented on how Mixergy’s intelligent hot water cylinders work with heat pumps, solar PV, and gas boilers, saving homes on their hot water energy consumption.
By connecting to a Solar PV, you can maximise your self-consumption, harnessing the energy you would normally send back to the grid whilst reducing your overall gas consumption.
Want to find out more about smarter ways to heat your home?
Are you interested in learning more about how smarter, more environmentally-friendly ways to hear your home and hot water tanks? Then why not check out Mixergy’s website, where you’ll find an abundance of useful information, hints, and top tips. Alternatively, get in touch! One of our experienced and knowledgeable team members will be on hand to give you more details on Mixergy’s approach to electric energy solutions that are kinder to planet Earth and to your pocket.