Mixergy Installer of the Year 2022
In the past 2 years, Mixergy have gone from having a handful of trusty installers representing our product in the field, to having over 250 installers who are trained and installing our smart hot water tanks all over the UK.
This year, the team at Mixergy have set a goal of training 1000x installers, helping to close the skills gap needed for the UK government to achieve their goal of boosting renewable technology uptake to decarbonise our homes.
In amongst all of the good work that our network of installers have undertaken over the past year, a few standout performances need recognising, and for this, we are hosting our installer awards at Fully Charged Live, being held at Farnborough International.
This year we actually have 3 awards to issue…
Installer of the Year
Our first award, and the big one, is Installer of the Year.
This year’s winner is Doré Woodman, a Surrey-based renewable technology installer. Jason and the team at Doré Woodman completed their Mixergy installer training at the end of 2021, before quickly rattling through their first 10x installs in Q1 of 2022. Not only have they installed every possible Mixergy configuration, but have filmed and documented their design considerations and installations on their popular YouTube channel. Jason’s enthusiasm, entrepreneurialism, and workmanship led to him securing our ‘Installer of the Year’ award – congratulations!

Mixergy Hero of the Year
Our second award to present is our ‘Mixergy Hero of the Year‘ award.
This award is for an individual who has gone above and beyond. This year’s winner is Darren Johnson of Air Craft (Southern) Ltd. Darren first volunteered to be filmed installing a Mixergy tank with a Daikin heat pump 2 years ago (our first heat pump training video!) before again volunteering to document a full house design video as part our Expert Trades campaign to recruit new installers in 2021. Darren is always the first to volunteer and help whenever Mixergy needs an installer and in recognition of this effort, we award our ‘Mixergy Hero of the Year’ award to Darren Johnson of Air Craft (Southern) Ltd.

Mixergy Heat Pump Hero
Our final award is our ‘Mixergy Heat Pump Hero’ award.
This award is presented to the installer who not only champions heat pump installations but installs more Mixergy heat pump tanks than any other! This year’s winner are Pure Renewables, the Hull based multi-disciplinary renewable installer serving the North of England.
The team at Pure Renewables have been working with Mixergy for 18 months now and have done a remarkable job at installing beautifully designed heat pump systems for their customers and have managed to install a huge number of Mixergy heat pump tanks along the way. Well done Pure Renewables, our ‘Mixergy Heat Pump Hero’ award winner!

Picking a winner from a network of over 1,000 installers is going to be a big challenge in 2023, but one that the team here at Mixergy are passionately pursuing.
If you would like to learn more about installing Mixergy tanks, please reach out to the team on 01865 884 343, get in touch via our contact form, or email us via enquiries@mixergy.co.uk, we’d love you to join our Approved Installer network! And who knows, it could be your name on our awards for 2023!